nvidia-drivers-295.17 solve black screen problem
Using nvidia linux drivers from version 270.X to 275.X with some graphics boards, in example the Quadro FX 350M which is built into the Dell Precision M65 notebook, resulted in a black screen or window for OpenGL applications. Even glxgears did only output a black window. The problem has been discussed on forums.opensuse.org. A downgrade to a lower driver version, in example the version 260.X drivers is not applicable anymore, since these drivers do dot build against a recent linux-3 kernel. A upgrade to newer drivers also was not possible, since driver versions from 285.X to 295.10 did not work at all for this graphics board. Recently version 295.17 of nvidias beta driver has become available, which solves this issue. Download links are available on nvnews.net.
For gentoo users I have modified the nvidia-drivers ebuild for the 295.17 driver. You can download my modified overlay, nvidia-drivers-295.17.tar.gz (1309 downloads ) and extract it in /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:
Afterwards you may emerge nvdidia-drivers-295.17.