Adjusting parallax in MPO stereo images

MPO stereo images, that were taken in example using Fujifilm FinePix Real 3D Cameras contain a field parallax in their exif data. The parallax value can be used by stereoscopic viewers like my stereoscopic image viewer SIV to adjust the 3D effect. By manipulating this value one can can customize the strength of the pop out effect and reduce the ghosting effect. This may lead to a more pleasuring viewing experience.

The parallax value can easily be displayed using exiftool:

exiftool -ee -Parallax DSCF0045.MPO

If you want to set the parallax value of an image, this is not that easy, since the value is stored in the exif data of the second embedded jpeg file in the MPO, which is not directly writable with exiftool. However one can find out the beginning of the second file with exiftool, extract the image and then set the parallax value. Afterwards on can put all together again using dd. Doing this manually is a quite awful task, so I wrote a little script for automating it:


#$1: MPO File $2: Parallax value

MPSTART=`exiftool -b -MPImageStart $1`
echo Multipart Image 2 begins at: $MPSTART
cp -a $1 $1.orig
exiftool $1.orig -mpimage2 -b | exiftool  -b -Parallax=$2 – \
| dd conv=notrunc bs=64 seek=$MPSTART of=$1

Use it at the command line as follows: [MPO-File] [new parallax value]

in example: DSCF0045.MPO 1.25

For determining the value that matches the visual requirements of your image you may use the parallax adjustment function of SIV (+/- key) and use the value on the OSD and printed out in the console. Perhaps some day I will add the functionality, to directly write the new parallax value to the MPO file, to SIV. However the setparallax script at least gives us the possibility to write the parallax value until then.



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gentoo ebuild for glsldevil-1.1.5

Some days ago I wanted to get some information on how OpenSceneGraph internally performs the rendering, to prepare for my B.Sc. thesis. Especially I wanted to know if it really uses Vertex Buffer Objects when I “force” Graphics Nodes to do so. Code analysis would have taken to long and would not have been proof enough for me. Thus I needed an OpenGL debugger. A nice one I found is glsldevil, which was developed at the university of Stuttgart. It can not only debug pure OpenGL, but also GLSL shaders.

glsldevil screenshot


For gentoo I found an old ebuild somewhere in the web and modified it for the new version of glsldevil. Here is my overlay including the modified ebuild: glsldevil-1.1.5_overlay.tar.gz (1622 downloads )

Download the overlay and extract it in /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


Then emerge glsldevil.



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grep for pdfs

Did you ever miss the functionality to perform a full text search in multiple pdf files from the command line in linux?

With the linux command grep one can search for a given text in multiple files.  If you don´t know it already you can find some information about grep here.  Sadly it can not be used for searching in pdf files, which is certainly an important task. Imagine you have some thousand pdf files archived on your harddrive and you are looking fore some information contained in them. It is far to much work to open each of them in your pdf viewer and search for the needed information. In this situation a tool like grep is quite handy.

A few days ago I found the interesting tool pdfgrep. It works similar to grep, but can search in pdf files. You can download it from SourceForge. Then build pdfgrep from source.

For gentoo users, as usual there is a more easy way. I wrote a simple  ebuild for pdfgrep. You can download the  ebuild here: pdfgrep-1.1.ebuild (1151 downloads )

To use the ebuild, just copy it to/usr/local/portage/app-text/pdfgrep/. You probably have to create the directory. Then run

ebuild /usr/local/portage/app-text/pdfgrep/pdfgrep-1.1.ebuild digest

Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf.


Afterwards just emerge pdfgrep.

Sadly pdfgrep is not capable of recursively searching complete directory structures like one can do with egrep -r. This would enable one to search complete pdf collections. Not a big problem. Just use the following line of code:

find -name “*.pdf”  -exec pdfgrep -C50 -Hni $1 ‘{}’ ‘;’

For convenient use place it into a script file:

echo “find -name \”*.pdf\”  -exec pdfgrep -C50 -Hni \$1 ‘{}’ ‘;'” > /usr/local/bin/pdfrgrep

And make it executable:

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/pdfrgrep

Now you can just cd to the directory of your pdf collection and search it by entering:

pdfgrep [searchterm]



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ImportError: No module named layman.config

Today, when I tried to sync the portage overlays on my gentoo linux boxes, I got the error:

ImportError: No module named layman.config

The recent update from python-2.5 to python-2.6 has broken several applications. This issue was solved by running python-updater, which re-emerges all broken python packages. Besides from layman not working, the python upgrade may cause several other problems in portage and in the whole system. Thus just be sure to run python-updater after the python-upgrade.


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check cd/dvd script

I sometimes have the problem that k3b fails to compare a burned disc with an ISO-image because it fails to reload the disk. So I wrote a small script that compares a CD or DVD against an ISO-Image. Since it can be quite handy, I like to share the script with you.

It takes the ISO-image to compare against as first parameter. The second (optional) parameter it takes is the drive, the disc is located in (i.e. /dev/sr0). Commands it needs and that therefore need to be installed on your system are awk, md5sum and pv. Chances are good, that there exist precompiled packages for your distribution. When the comparison is done it prints out whether it succeeded or not and returns 0 on success and   -1 on failure for use from within other programs.

You may download the script from here: (881 downloads ) gplv3-127x51


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