March 14th 2009
Just in case Pi Day is new to you, we thought we’d list out the top Pi Day activities for you, so everyone can celebrate Pi Day this year:
- Bake a Pie with the symbol Pi on it, measure its diameter, calculate its circumference, and eat the Pie.
- Use a piece of string to “prove” Pi by measuring other circles’ circumference & diameter.
- Recite as many digits of Pi as you can as a team taking turns, or have a memorization contest and the winner gets to eat Pie first.
- Send your friends Pi Day eCards to remind them it’s Pi Day.
- Give everyone a “High Pi” instead of a high five.
- Get creative and write a song about Pi, or listen to music based on Pi.
Happy Pi Day 2009!

Posted in maths, mygnu | No Comments »
March 12th 2009
The World wide web was invented 20 years ago. In March 1989 Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal suggesting hypertext documents. Without Tim’s invention we would not be able to present our content on MyGnu to you. So MyGNU says happy birthday www and thanks, Tim. For more information on the www and its history see Wikipedia:www.

Posted in mygnu | 2 Comments »
November 29th 2008
This blog contains information about GNU (Linux). We are using Gentoo on our Systems and want to share our solutions on We are Jürgen and Thorsten of
To learn about gnu and linux and the difference have a look at
Perhaps you are also interested in viewing the gnu/linux film:codename_gnu_linux.avi
GNU is an acronym for GNU’s Not Unix. One knowing the difference between GNU and Linux could also say GNL – GNU’s Not Linux 😉
In spite of that we will also use common speech and say Linux when we really mean GNU/Linux.

Posted in gentoo, mygnu | 1 Comment »