Happy birthday www

The World wide web was invented 20 years ago. In March 1989 Tim Berners-Lee wrote a proposal suggesting hypertext documents. Without Tim’s invention we would not be able to present our content on MyGnu to you. So MyGNU says happy birthday www and thanks, Tim. For more information on the www and its history see Wikipedia:www.

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nvidia-drivers-180.37 causing strange segfaults

Today, while performing a large world upgrade on my gento x86_64 system, I noticed almost every build segfaulting (internal compiler error…). In the meanwhile I was encoding several videos (xvid) with avidemux. thus I had a somewhat high memory usage. Some of the avidemux processes also segfaulted. I noticed these segfaults also yesterday, but thought something was wrong with my video files. After many segfaults the system then ran completely out of memory and I had to reboot.

Because of my last experience with nvidias drivers (see: CTRL-C and CTRL-Z not working after nvidia-driver upgrade and high CPU usage) the nvidia-driver was my first supective. So I masked off nvidia-drivers-180.37 and downgraded to 180.29 again. Afterwads the segfaults didn’t occur anymore.

NVIDIA should really do better testing with their drivers before releasing.  Errors like this are normally extremely hard to track down, since nobody would suspect the graphics driver to be the reason for this. Well, in this case intuition saved me a lot of time…



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pidgin – client too old

Today, when I tried to connect to the icq network (on login.oscar.aol.com) I got the error:

“The client version you are using is too old. Please upgrade at http://pidgin.im/”.

I use pidgin-2.5.2 from gentoo portage tree. Everything newer is masked on x86_64 architecture.

emerge “>net-im/pidgin-2.5.2”

!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy “>net-im/pidgin-2.5.2” have been masked.
!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
– net-im/pidgin-2.5.5 (masked by: ~amd64 keyword)
– net-im/pidgin-2.5.4-r1 (masked by: ~amd64 keyword)
– net-im/pidgin-2.5.4 (masked by: ~amd64 keyword)
– net-im/pidgin-2.5.3 (masked by: ~amd64 keyword)

Is anyone else experiencing this problem?


I just upgraded to pidgin 2.5.5 and icq works again 🙂 . Hopefully everything else works also…

Gentoo x86_64 can do this easily by adding

=net-im/pidgin-2.5.5 **

to their /etc/portage/package.keywords and reemerging pidgin.


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SIV – a stereoscopic jps viewer for Linux

As promised in JPS-viewer for linux, here comes the very first release of  SIV, the first available  Stereoscopic  Image Viewer for Linux supporting quad buffered stereo. Well this is not 100% correct, since it is build upon OpenSceneGraph it is somewhat platform independant and schould compile well on windows, mac and unix platforms. However, I only tried with linux since there are enough alternatives available for most other platforms.

SIV is  capable of displaying jps stereo images in different stereo modes. I tried it in fullscreen/windowed mode with anaglyphic and quad buffered stereo mode. Different output devices I tested were my Vuzix VR920 and relevator shutter glasses  on Nvidia Quadro FX 350M and FX 3400. It still lacks some convenience functions like a diashow mode.

Screenshot of the viewer as window in anaglyphic mode:


A note about the name SIV, SIV stands for Stereoscopic  Image Viewer, but as I found out Siv is also the name of the wife of the god Thor in the norse mythology. See: Wikipedia: Sif and Behindthename: Siv. Sif and Siv are the same name, both writings are possible. Once I found out this, I thought that’s a cool name for this piece of work.


./siv [options] jpsfile(s)
–CullDrawThreadPerContext                 Select CullDrawThreadPerContext
threading model for viewer.
–CullThreadPerCameraDrawThreadPerContext  Select
ntext threading model for viewer.
–DrawThreadPerContext                     Select DrawThreadPerContext
threading model for viewer.
–SingleThreaded                           Select SingleThreaded threading
model for viewer.
–accum-rgb                                Request a rgb accumulator buffer
–accum-rgba                               Request a rgb accumulator buffer
–cc                                       Request use of compile contexts and
–clear-color <color>                      Set the background color of the
viewer in the form “r,g,b[,a]”.
–display <type>                           MONITOR | POWERWALL |
–rgba                                     Request a RGBA color buffer visual
–samples <num>                            Request a multisample visual
–screen <num>                             Set the screen to use when multiple
screens are present.
–serialize-draw <mode>                    OFF | ON – set the serialization of
draw dispatch
–stencil                                  Request a stencil buffer visual
–stereo                                   Use default stereo mode which is
ANAGLYPHIC if not overriden by
environmental variable
–stereo <mode>                            ANAGLYPHIC | QUAD_BUFFER |
–window <x y w h>                         Set the position (x,y) and size
(w,h) of the viewer window.
-O <option_string>                         Provide an option string to
reader/writers used to load
-e <extension>                             Load the plugin associated with
handling files with specified
-h or –help                               Display this information
-l <library>                               Load the plugin

You may notice that most of the options come from osgViewer, which is the base class for the viewer. This gives the advantage, that one can use the “normal” osgViewer controls such as flying around the scene. Try holding the right mouse button and moving the mouse up or down for zooming out or in. Or press F for toggling fullscreen mode or press S for toggling the stats (fps, etc.) display.

You may supply multiple .jps files at the command line.  I.e. ./siv *.jps will display all jps files in the current folder 😉

Once the first image of the list is being displayed you may use CURSOR_UP/DOWN or the mouse wheel to select a different image for being displayed. In future versions I may implement a diashow function…

When displaying an image the filename of the image is displayed in the lower left corner.

You can find some jps images for trying out the viewer on:  Stereo Images From Juneau.

Possible Problems:

As default SIF starts in fullscreen quad buffered stereo mode. Thus if your graphics hardware does not support this mode, the viewer will exit with the following error:

Error: Not able to create requested visual.
GraphicsWindow has not been created successfully.
Viewer::realize() – failed to set up any windows

In this case try anaglyphic mode or the apropiate 3D mode for your hardware (see the –stereo option).

You may experience the application segfaulting. Most possibly the reason is that your OpenSceneGraph lacks the library  osgdb_jp2.so in the lib/osgPlugins folder. If you strace the application and the last thing it tries before segfaulting is to access osgdb_jp2.so, this is the reason. The Problem will be corrected in the next version of SIV. For now install Jasper and rebuild OpenSceneGraph.


Do not download these files anymore unless you explicitely want this version. New version is available at: SIV-1.0 released

I decided to publish the viewer under the creative common noncommercial license. Make sure you have the OpenScenegraph library installed before trying to compile or run the viewer. You may download the full source (Eclipse Project) from here: SIV-source (1179 downloads ) or an x86_64 binary from here: SIV-x86_64 (1209 downloads ) . More binary formats may be available in the future. Fore the x86_64 binary you’ll need OpenSceneGraph-2.8.

Binaries for most linux distributions can be downloaded from www.openscenegraph.org.  Instructions on how to build OpenSceneGraph on gentoo can be found on PlopByte.

Building from source:

For building from source unpack the zip and cd to siv/Release and run make.

Future plans:

For the future I’d like to implement a diashow function and to integrate the VR920 headtracking into the viewer. It would be really cool to view a sea panorama image in 3D by turning the head :) This is the reason why the image is not being displayed plain, but on a cylinder segment. For the tracking I’ll have to write a driver for the VR920 headtracking  first, to get the camera viewmatrix for the viewer. Since in Vuzix Forums I found a non working driver,  from which I was able to learn how to read the sensor data, I only have to implement the neccesary calculations and calibration methods.

Well, I hope you enjoy the 3rd dimension. If you like the viewer feel free to link to MyGNU.de.

Stay tuned for updates


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CTRL-C and CTRL-Z not working after nvidia-driver upgrade and high CPU usage

Yesterday I ran the usual system upgrades of my gentoo system (emerge –sync;emerge -uND world). After a reboot I noticed that in my gnome-terminal CTRL-C and CTRL-Z didn’t work any more. I also noticed that nautilus was using up one CPU completely.

The first reason I thought of was the kbd upgrade to 1.15. I tried to downgrade to 1.13-r1 again, but this did not solve the problem, but anyways, I’ll stay with 1.13 until the init script problems are solved in a newer ebuild.

After some hours of searching and trying I found the following in my dmesg output:

bluetooth-apple[9380] general protection ip:7f277c8b7e5e sp:7fff8b5fd270
error:0 in libGL.so.180.35[7f277c861000+a4000]

So I tried recompiling the bluetooth applet with no success. Well, it did compile, but the error was still there afterwards.

Afterwards the dmesg output  hinted me to try  downgrading nvidia-drivers from 180.35 to 180.29 , which solved the problem.


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JPS-viewer for linux

As I stated before in Vuzix VR920 with Linux and active 3D stereo, I planned to write the first stereo enabled jps viewer for linux. At least I was not able to find a viewer for jps stereoimages that is capable of displaying in active pageflipped stereo.

I made some progress in writing the viewer. The viewer itself depends on OpenScenegraph. It is now capable of displaying jps stereo images in different stereo modes. I tested it in fullscreen/windowed mode with anaglyphic and quad buffered stereo mode. Different output devices I tried were relevator shutter glasses and my Vuzix VR920 on Nvidia Quadro FX 350M and FX 3400. Here comes the first screenshot of the viewer in windowed mode:


Of course the screenshot is of the viewer in anaglyphic only, since I can’t include anything else in the blog 😉

I still have to do some code cleanup. But expect the viewer to be published soon.

Stay tuned for updates


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marquee script

Recently we had the task to create an animated web banner containing a marquee (in German Laufschrift) in Linux. Since we were not able to find a piece of software performing this task in an efficient way, I decided to write a small script for this. It uses ImageMagik (in my case V6.4.4.6) to generate an marquee below a supplied image and produces an animated gif as output. The script contains a config section where you may supply the input logo, the marquee text and some further settings like font and color:

# Settings

#the text for the marquee text=”+++ put the text for the marquee here +++ 0111011001101100101100011101010001001001010110010111010101 ”

#  files

#input file


#output file


#background color


# font settings




# animation settings

stepsize=6     #if possible this should be a part of the textwidth (see output) #if chosen too small this may result in too large images

delay=10       #speed

Just put in the necessary settings and run the script. You can also use the script on your web-server to update your banners with new text on the fly. You may download the script here:

marqee.sh (1106 downloads ) gplv3-127x51

Regards Jürgen

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