skype gentoo problem

today skype doesn’t start, after short search I found that a config file break the system. remove ~/.Skype/shared.xml and login again.

best regards xexplorer

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zen-sources ebuilds now with tuxonice

Starting with kernel version 2.6.36 tuxonice has been removed from the zen-sources patchset, the high-performance linux-kernel for desktops. With the new zen-sources-2.6.38_p20110510 ebuild the maintainer of the zen-sources ebuilds started to include tuxonice into the zen-sources ebuilds in gentoos portage tree.  Now the reliable suspend mechanism, tuxonice is known for, is again easily available on genttoo systems with zen-.sources.  Thanks Markos!

A Gentoo user now can choose if he wants to have zen-sources with tuxonice or not. To get zen sources with tuxonice one just has to include the tuxonice USE-flag into his /etc/make.conf and emerge zen-sources afterwards. Then one has to configure and compile the kernel as usual.


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zen-sources-2.6.38_p20110501 with tuxonice

Starting with 2.6.36 tuxonice has been removed from zen-sources again. A few days ago the zen-sources-2.6.38_p20110501 ebuild appeared in the gentoo portage tree. So I patched the brand new zen-sources-2.6.38_p20110501 with tuxonice. The official 2.6.38 tuxonice patch from has worked out of the box, this time.

Suspend to RAM works at least on my Dell Precison M65 and my Desktop, as well as suspend to disk does. Well, I have to mention that I again tried to use BFS, the brain fuck scheduler, to increase (felt) performance. This time the brain fuck scheduler worked well with tuxonice and did not result in the crash during atomic copy, I described in zen-sources-2.6.37_p20110325 with tuxonice.  Thus  I did not have to fall back to the CFS scheduler and automatic control groups as I had to with 2.6.37. However this is also an alternative to the brain fuck scheduler.

Download the zen-sources-2.6.38_p20110501 patch here. Then apply the patch to the vanilla kernel sources avalable from Afterwards download the tuxonice patch from and apply it. Now you can continue with the standard kernel building process.

For Gentoo users there is a more easy way: Download my modified overlay from zen-sources-2.6.38_p20110501.tar.gz (985 downloads ) and extract it in /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


If you want to use tuxonice include toi in your USE-flags. Then emerge zen-sources and build the kernel as you wish.

Tuxonice is not officially supported in current zen-sources. So If you’re using the files above, don’t report any bugs to You are on your own.

For my Precision M65 I used the following kernel config: (981 downloads )

For more information on the zen-sources patchset see

best regards


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bino-1.0 ebuild for gentoo

Recently I wrote about bino, a stereoscopic video player that is usable with linux and also supports quad buffered stereo. In the meanwhile the first stable version 1.0 has been released. Its main features are:

  • Support for 2D and stereoscopic 3D video in a wide variety of input formats and stereo layouts.
  • Support for many 3D output methods, including anaglyph glasses, shutter glasses, autostereoscopic displays, 3D TV sets, and distributed multi-display installations such as powerwalls or Virtual Reality installations.

The Gentoo way

For gentoo users here is my overlay including the ebuild: bino-1.0_overlay.tar.gz (1245 downloads ) Download the overlay and extract it in /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


Then emerge bino and enjoy viewing your 3d movies.


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zen-sources-2.6.37_p20110325 with tuxonice

Starting with 2.6.36 tuxonice has been removed from zen-sources again. A few days ago the zen-sources-2.6.37_p20110325 ebuild appeared in the gentoo portage tree.  Since I did not want to stick to my old 2.6.35 kernel I patched the brand new zen-sources-2.6.37_p20110325 with tuxonice. The official tuxonice patch from did not work, so I had to slightly modify it to apply cleanly on zen-sources.

Suspend to RAM works at least on my Dell Precison M65 and my Desktop, as well as suspend to disk does. Well, I have to mention that I wanted to use BFS, the brain fuck scheduler, to increase performance. This resulted in tuxonice freezing during  atomic copy when trying to hibernate, thus I had to use the CFS scheduler again.

Download the zen-sources 2.6.37_p20110325 patch here. Then apply the patch to the vanilla kernel sources avalable from Afterwards download my modified tuxonice patch from here: current-tuxonice-for-2.6.37-for-zen.patch_0 (2561 downloads ) . Then apply it and continue with the standard kernel building process.

For Gentoo users there is a more easy way: Download my modified zen-sources-overlay (including the patches) from zen-sources-toi-2.6.37_p20110325.tar.gz (975 downloads ) and extract it in /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


If you want to use tuxonice include toi in your USE-flags. Then emerge zen-sources and build the kernel as you wish. It would be nice if this USE-flag and the ebuild modification find their way into the portage tree.

Tuxonice is not officially supported in current zen-sources. So If you’re using the files above, don’t report any bugs to You are on your own.

For my Precision M65 I used the following kernel config: kconfig-zen-toi-m65-2.6.37 (1025 downloads )

For more information on the zen-sources patchset see

best regards


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Improved OpenSceneGraph-2.8.3 ebuild

The current OpenSceneGraph ebuild in the Gentoo Portage tree does not install the OpenSceneGraph sample data set.  These  files include some sample models, fonts, bitmaps etc. used in the OpenSceneGraph examples and other applications.  This is a problem for applications relying on the files to be available. In example my stereoscopic image viewer SIV relies on having the OpenSceneGraph sample dataset installed and fails to load the arial font from the dataset with the following error:

Warning: font file “fonts/arial.ttf” not found.

Here is my modified ebuild resolving this issue: OpenSceneGraph-2.8.3.tar.gz (1492 downloads )

Download the modified ebuild and extract the archive into /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


If you want to use OpenSceneGraph with ffmpeg support, download the patch from and copy it to /etc/portage/patches/dev-games/openscenegraph-2.8.3/ as described there, to compile with ffmpeg-0.6. Otherwise the emerge will fail with:

error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type

Now you can set the examples USE-Flag and emerge openscenegraph to get the example dataset.

If you have got flightgear installed, reinstall simgear afterwards,  like the ebuild requests you to do:

emerge -1 dev-games/simgear

Depending on if you were upgrading or just reinstalling with the new ebuild it may be necessary to run revdep-rebuild to resolve issues with broken libraries. Hopefully the next ebuild in the portage tree will  include the sample data set.

Wxwidgets support seems to be broken with the current version. When using the wxwidgets USE-Flag Openscenegraph fails to compile with, so include

=dev-games/openscenegraph-3.0.1 -wxwidgets

in your /etc/portage/package.use if you have enabled wxwidgets in your make.conf.

best regards


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Flightgear with VR920 headtracking

Recently I basically got Flightgear to work with quad buffered stereo. The only thing that was still missing for having the Vusix VR920 head mounted display fully supported in the flight simulator was headtracking.

However, with my new headtracking driver, VR920 headtracking in Flightgear is possible at last. A good part of the work has been done by Anders Gidenstam who provided the original Nasal module, the headtracking protocol description and usage instructions for his webcam based headtracking solution for Flightgear.

Download and copy the protocol description headtrack.xml (1340 downloads ) to $FG_ROOT/Protocol. For me (gentoo system) this location is /usr/share/games/FlightGear/Protocol/, probably for many others it is /usr/share/FlightGear/Protocol/

Afterwards download unzip the modified Nasal module headtracking.nas (1381 downloads ) to ~/.fgfs/Nasal. It is important to use your home directory and NOT i.e. /usr/share/games/FlightGear/Nasal/.

Then make sure that the vr920 headtracking driver runs in UDP mode. If running Flightgear on the same machine as the headtracking driver, which should be the usual case, just use as destionation IP for the driver and use 4242 as destination port. These are the default settings of the driver.

Finally run Flightgear with these options: –generic=socket,in,<hz>,,<port>,udp,headtrack –prop:/sim/headtracking/enabled=1

If you also want to have quad buffered stereo with it (you need an nvidia quadro board, with assumably a pre G80 Chip or probably an ATI FireGL, never tried that, and a stereo enabled xserver) use the patch from FlightGear with quad buffered stereo. For instructions on how to get the xserver to work in stereoscopic mode see: Vuzix VR920 with Linux and active 3D stereo

For the described configuration you can use the following little startup script:

fgfs –generic=socket,in,25,,4242,udp,headtrack –prop:/sim/headtracking/enabled=1

Now have much fun and enjoy a new experience with your VR920 and Flightgear in stereo with headtracking.

best regards


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