java3d ebuild for gentoo

The java3d ebuilds in the gentoo portage tree are very outdated, and didn’t even work for me anymore. So I wanted to install a newer version of java3d. This resulted in the updated ebuild you can download from here:

sun-java3d-bin-1.5.2.ebuild (898 downloads )

I tried the ebuild together with sun-jdk- on x86_64 gentoo linux, but it schould also work on i586.

To use it just create the directory structure

mkdir -p /usr/local/portage/dev-java/sun-java3d-bin/

and copy the new ebuild to that directory. Then run

ebuild /usr/local/portage/dev-java/sun-java3d-bin/sun-java3d-bin-1.5.2.ebuild digest

Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


Then just emerge sun-java3d.

emerge /usr/local/portage/dev-java/sun-java3d-bin/sun-java3d-bin-1.5.2.ebuild

The ebuild creates some symlinks in your VM’s directory, so if you switch the browser plugin or the entire VM you have to reemerge sun-java3d-bin. To have the library ready to use you also have to add the following lines to your /etc/profile:

if [ “$CLASSPATH” = “” ] ; then

if [ “$LD_LIBRARY_PATH” = “” ] ; then

To have the changes in effect logout and login again.

If you want to have java3d useable in firefox you have to modify the line:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=”/usr/lib64/mozilla-firefox”

in your /usr/bin/firefox to:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=”/usr/lib64/mozilla-firefox”:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

Otherwise you will end up getting unstatisfied link errors since the j3d library cannot be loaded.

Finally you can test if your java3d works on Testseite für Java und Java3D – VS-C. If you are working in a multiheaded environment, this java3d version may only work on the first display. So, if you experience problems just place your browser on the first head.

Have Fun


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osgocean ebuild for gentoo

I just recognized the osgocean release on the osg mailing-list. Osgocean is a library that one can use to render water effects in a very realistic way. It was used to generate the above and below water effects in the VENUS project. For more information on the osgocean project see: osgocean You can see how realistic it looks if you watch the youtube video below.

It looked very interesting, so I decided to try it out. To do so I wrote two ebuilds, one for osgocean and one for  fftss, the fast fourier transformation library it depends on. Both are available in following archive: osgocean overlay (1204 downloads )

Extract the archive to your portage overlay.

# mkdir /usr/local/portage/
# cd /usr/local/portage/
# unzip

Be sure that PORTDIR_OVERLAY=”/usr/local/portage” is included in your /etc/make.conf, then you can emerge it:

#emerge osgocean

For this you need to have the OpenSceneGraph library installed. Detailed Instructions on how to build OpenSceneGraph on gentoo can be found on PlopByte.

Since openscenegraph is now in the main portage tree I have updated the ebuild dependencies today (31/08/2009) to either media-gfx/openscenegraph or dev-games/openscenegraph.

Updated ebuild is now available here: osgocean-1.0.1.ebuild (1140 downloads ) Just copy it to /usr/local/portage/media-gfx/osgocean/ after like described before and run:

ebuild /usr/local/portage/media-gfx/osgocean/osgocean-1.0.1.ebuild digest

Best regards


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upgrade experiences with nvidia-drivers-180.51

Today, during my regular upgrades, I upgraded my gentoo boxes to nvidia-drivers-180.51, which is the latest version in portage. Since the error in dmesg

bluetooth-apple[10079] general protection ip:7fec32b2cebe sp:7fff3dc7ff00 error:
0 in[7fec32ad6000+a5000]

I mentioned in CTRL-C and CTRL-Z not working after nvidia-driver upgrade and high CPU usage and saw in later releases still occurs and therefore I expect more problems, I downgraded to nvidia-drivers-180.29 again.  Since I upgraded  to xorg-server-1.5.3 in the meanwhile, I am sure now, that the problems are not related to incompatibilities with the older xorg release I ran before.

Did anyone monitor the driver release any closer? How were your experiences?


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zen-sources-2.6.29-r3 with tuxonice

Some days ago Thorsten wrote TuxOnIce is broken in 2.6.29-zen1. Well, I wanted to have a 2.6.29 kernel, because the iwl3945 driver in 2.6.29 works the first time with a useable speed for me.  So I no longer need the hack for the ipw3945 driver I published on ipw3945 unter linux-kernel 2.6.27.

Today I managed to patch the brand new zen-sources-2.6.29-r3 with tuxonice. This was necessary since I need tuxonice on my notebook and tuxonice has been removed permanently from zen-sources. Suspend to RAM works at least on my Dell Precison M65 as well as suspend to disk does.

Since 2.6.29-zen3 has not been released as patch yet, you may download the patch I created from git here: Zen-Sources 2.6.29-r3 patch (955 downloads ) Then apply the patch to the vanilla kernel sources available from Afterwards download the tuxonice patch from and apply it to the kernel sources with the zen patchset already applied.

For Gentoo users there is a more easy way:

Download my modified overlay  (including the patches) from zen-sources-toi-2.6.29-r3.tar.bz2 (1035 downloads ) and extract it in /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


Then emerge zen-sources-toi and buld the kernel as you wish.

The files above are not from an official zen release. Tuxonice is not officially supported in zen-sources. So If you’re using the files above, don’t report any bugs to

For my Precision M65 I used the following kernel config: (1003 downloads )

If you want to use all channels with the iwl3945 driver change the line

static char *ieee80211_regdom = “US”;


static char *ieee80211_regdom = “JP”;

in the file net/wireless/reg.c.

For more information on the zen-sources patchset see

best regards


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Upgrade to compiz-fusion-0.8.2

Today, when I ran the regular update of my gentoo systems there was an update for compiz-fusion in portage. The compiz update did not work out of the box on my x8_64 systems, missing keywords, blocking packages, wrong manifests, etc.

Here is the way I got it to work:

emerge -uND world

!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy “~x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2” have been masked.
!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
– x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2 (masked by: ~amd64 keyword)

Add to /etc/portage/package.keywords:

=x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2 **
=x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-unsupported-0.8.2 **
=x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.2 **

emerge compiz-fusion

[blocks B ] x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (“x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra” is blocking x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.2)
[blocks B ] x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-main (“x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-main” is blocking x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2)
[blocks B ] x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported (“x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported” is blocking x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-unsupported-0.8.2)

emerge -C compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported

emerge compiz-fusion

!!! A file listed in the Manifest could not be found: /usr/portage/x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra/files/compiz-plugins-extra-no-gconf.patch

ebuild /usr/portage/x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra/compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.2.ebuild digest

Note: The generation of the digest is only a temporary solution. There should be the correct manifest in the portage tree.

emerge compiz-fusion

* Messages for package x11-wm/emerald-0.8.2:

* Cannot find $EPATCH_SOURCE! Value for $EPATCH_SOURCE is:
* /usr/portage/x11-wm/emerald/files/emerald-ru.po.patch
* ( emerald-ru.po.patch )
* ERROR: x11-wm/emerald-0.8.2 failed.

cd /usr/portage/x11-wm/emerald/files/

ln -s emerald-0.7.8-ru.po.patch emerald-ru.po.patch

Note: The symlink is only a temporary solution. The file should be added to the portage tree.

ebuild /usr/portage/x11-wm/emerald/emerald-0.8.2.ebuild digest

emerge compiz-fusion

Afterwards I had a working compiz-fusion-0.8.2 .



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Upgrade to nvidia-drivers-180.41

Today I upgraded my Gentoo systems to nvidia-drivers-180.41.  I had bad news to report the last two times I upgraded nvidia-drivers in nvidia-drivers-180.37 causing strange segfaults and CTRL-C and CTRL-Z not working after nvidia-driver upgrade and high CPU usage.

Well, since I had bad news before I also want to tell you about the good news. I did not experience any problems yet with nvidia-drivers-180.41. I run Gentoo with kernel 2.6.28-zen4 #1 SMP PREEMPT on x86_64 and tried with Quadro FX3400 and Quadro FX350M. Even tuxonice works on my  Dell Precision M65 with the driver. In the past I sometimes had problems with suspending and some nvidia-driver versions.

Well, not everyone is as lucky as I am. Some cards seem not to be recognized anymore by the driver. You can read about this problem on 180.41 — no more support for 6600?

I’m quite happy to have a new working driver after the last two upgrade attempts.

Edit: Sadly I was wrong in this post. nvidia-drivers-180.41 also causes segfaults as well as 180.44 does. These segfaults occur during heavy CPU/MEM usage. (In my case running 6 instances of mencoder simultaneously on 4 cores). After downgrading again to 180.29 everything returned to normality.


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nvidia-drivers-180.37 causing strange segfaults

Today, while performing a large world upgrade on my gento x86_64 system, I noticed almost every build segfaulting (internal compiler error…). In the meanwhile I was encoding several videos (xvid) with avidemux. thus I had a somewhat high memory usage. Some of the avidemux processes also segfaulted. I noticed these segfaults also yesterday, but thought something was wrong with my video files. After many segfaults the system then ran completely out of memory and I had to reboot.

Because of my last experience with nvidias drivers (see: CTRL-C and CTRL-Z not working after nvidia-driver upgrade and high CPU usage) the nvidia-driver was my first supective. So I masked off nvidia-drivers-180.37 and downgraded to 180.29 again. Afterwads the segfaults didn’t occur anymore.

NVIDIA should really do better testing with their drivers before releasing.  Errors like this are normally extremely hard to track down, since nobody would suspect the graphics driver to be the reason for this. Well, in this case intuition saved me a lot of time…



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