Linux 2.6.30 is out now

As you can read here 2.6.30 is out now. As to the whole set of changes since 2.6.29, the best place to look is probably just
as usual. One thing that doesn’t seem to be mentioned here is that we’re hopefully now done with the suspend/resume irq re-architecting, and have switched to a new world order. Although I suspect lots of details will still change, of course.

If we have tested the new kernel, probably with zen patch set, we will tell you

best regards xexplorer

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nvidia-drivers-180.60 is working !!!

After I have tested the nvidia-drivers-185.18.08 beta I searched the web for a new one and I found it yesterday on This version seems to run well on my Dell M4300. For all using Gentoo I  made an ebuild: ebuild:nvidia-drivers (1044 downloads )

# mkdir /usr/local/portage/
# cd /usr/local/portage/
# tar -xpvf nv-portage.tar

Be sure that PORTDIR_OVERLAY=”/usr/local/portage” is in your /etc/make.conf, then you can emerge it:
# ACCEPT_KEYWORDS=”~amd64″ emerge =nvidia-drivers-180.60 -1

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nvidia-drivers-185.18.08 beta is not working

Because of the problem with a good, fast and working nvidia driver, I’ve tested the actual beta driver from Nvidia. After installing it on my system (Dell M4300, with zen-sources 2.6.29-r3 running fine on it) everything seems to be fine. But there was the first fault. The character set in the Terminal swaps. The next serious error was restarting the X-Server or crashing the whole system while surfing with Epiphany. So I downgraded my system to nvidia-drivers-180.29 again as mentioned here. It seems Nvidia has to do some work on it, still we have another working release. Stay tuned, we will test it and tell you our experience with any new driver we found from Nvidia.

LG Thorsten

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iptables MIRROR target

A while ago I wanted to make my iptables firewall a bit active. During my searches I found the iptables mirror target, which takes the packet sent to your machine and  returns the same packet to the machine the packet came from. Thus, let’s say someone tries to scan your machine or tries an attack he would scan his own machine or even attack his own machine.  Sadly the mirror target has been dropped somewhere around linux version 2.5 for security concerns. Somewhere in the web I found sources for a 2.5 kernel version and made them work with some 2.6.

I want to share this with the community now. So you can download the modified modules sources on To build the module, boot  the kernel version you want to use the module with, and unpack the archive. Afterwards run the script and the script.

Now you may use the mirror target in place of the reject or drop target  in the INPUT, FORWARD and PREROUTING chains, like this in your firewall script:


Beware: The use of the mirror target may have strange results, i.e. if you want to connect to the iptables protected machine, you may end up connecting to the local machine without recognizing it. It also may use much bandwith. Worst case: if you have two machines using this module they may end up playing pingpong. So you have been warned, use with caution and at your own risk. For more information see: MIRROR target.

Downloads for the most recent kernel versions are below. Notice the version numbering 2.6.25 works for kernels up to 2.6.27. 2.6.28 also works for 2.6.29 and probably for future kernels. If you need a version for an older kernel, leave a comment. Then I can look if I have a module version archived for the kernel version you need.

MIRROR.2.6.28.tar.gz (11500 downloads )
MIRROR.2.6.25.tar.gz (11400 downloads )
MIRROR.2.6.24.tar.gz (11931 downloads )
MIRROR.2.6.13.tar.gz (11099 downloads )

Addon: The 2.6.28 version also works for 2.6.30 kernels.

These versions do not work with 2.6.31 kernels. See iptables mirror target for kernel version 2.6.31 or iptables mirror target for kernel version 2.6.35 for the newer ones.



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some hints on server 1.5.3

Today there was xorg-server-1.5.3 in the portage of gentoo as stable. But there are some hints on it. Now hal and evdev are recommended. If you haven’t used it till now, you have to. If you have emerged hal and evdev ( emerge hal evdev -uND ) you have to copy the policys for hal to /etc/hal/fdi/policy/ . The default policys can be found in /usr/share/hal/fdi/policy. Then ’emerge xorg-server -uND’ and do the things mentioned in the emerge message. If everything is emerged you can go on with renaming of /etc/X11/xorg.conf to xorg.conf.old . Then you can stop x and generate a default xorg.conf with Xorg -configure and copy the generated file to /etc/X11/xorg.conf . Then xorg should start probably. Now you can configure everything you wan’t, perhaps you should read on about what is new and howto deal with this version. Further details can be found at and if there is a problem we might help you.

LG xexplorer

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SIV-1.0 released

I’m proud to present a new version of SIV, the stereoscopic jps viewer for Linux I published first in SIV – a stereoscopic jps viewer for Linux. SIV is  capable of displaying jps stereo images in different stereo modes. I tried it in fullscreen/windowed mode with anaglyphic and quad buffered stereo mode. Different output devices I tested were my Vuzix VR920 and relevator shutter glasses  on Nvidia Quadro FX 350M and FX 3400. It should also work with an Ati FireGL, but I never tried this. The new version fixes some segfaults, that occured when needed libraries were missing. Furthermore I added a slideshow mode and the possibility to specify a default distance and therefore the possibility to set a default zoom factor. The coolest feature I added to the viewer is the headtracking support for the Vuzix VR920 HMD. For this you will need (in addition to the device 😉 ) the headtracking driver, I published in VR920 headtracking driver for Linux. You may watch  a video (demo_siv_headtracking_vr920) of me using the viewer with enabled headtracking to view some photos of NASA’s Apollo missions  downloadable from nvidia forums.

Usage changes:

New commandline options are:

  • -s                                         Enable slideshow mode
  • -t                                         delay Delay for slideshow mode,
    defaults to 10 sec
  • -d                                         distance (values between 0.0 and
    1.0 are senseful)

These new options control the new headtracking support:

  • –vr920                             enable headtracking support for the vuzix vr920 hmd
  • -m                                        non default multicast ip
  • -p                                         non default multicast port

For detailed information on the -m and -p options see the article about the headtracking driver : VR920 headtracking driver for Linux. They have the corresponding meaning. If you want to try out the headtracking, enable the headtracking support with the –vr920 option. You may want to specify the distance to the image with the -d option. Values between 0.25 and 0.5 seem to have a nice effect when using the headtracking. When headtracking is active you may press Z to set the zero view so that with your current head position you will see the center of the image. If you want to manipulate the view manually press 2 to enable the trackball manipulator and use i.e. the right moue button and up or down movements (with the mouse) to control the distance (zoom in or out). Afterwards press 1 to activate headtracking again.

For more usage documentation see: SIV – a stereoscopic jps viewer for Linux


I decided to publish the viewer under the creative common noncommercial license. Make sure you have the OpenSceneGraph library installed before trying to compile or run the viewer. You may download the full source (Eclipse Project) from here: SIV-1.0 source (1305 downloads ) or an x86_64 binary from here:  SIV-1.0 x86_64 binary (1318 downloads ) . More binary formats may be available in the future. Fore the x86_64 binary you’ll need OpenSceneGraph-2.8.

Binaries for most linux distributions can be downloaded from  Instructions on how to build OpenSceneGraph on gentoo can be found on PlopByte.

Building from source:

For building from source unpack the zip and cd to siv/Release and run make.


If you like the viewer, feel free to link to To request commercial licenses contact us at info(at) Well, if you just want to support our work on use the donate button 😉

best regards and enjoy the 3rd dimension


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Upgrade to compiz-fusion-0.8.2

Today, when I ran the regular update of my gentoo systems there was an update for compiz-fusion in portage. The compiz update did not work out of the box on my x8_64 systems, missing keywords, blocking packages, wrong manifests, etc.

Here is the way I got it to work:

emerge -uND world

!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy “~x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2” have been masked.
!!! One of the following masked packages is required to complete your request:
– x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2 (masked by: ~amd64 keyword)

Add to /etc/portage/package.keywords:

=x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2 **
=x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-unsupported-0.8.2 **
=x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.2 **

emerge compiz-fusion

[blocks B ] x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra (“x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-extra” is blocking x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.2)
[blocks B ] x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-main (“x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-main” is blocking x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-main-0.8.2)
[blocks B ] x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported (“x11-plugins/compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported” is blocking x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-unsupported-0.8.2)

emerge -C compiz-fusion-plugins-extra compiz-fusion-plugins-main compiz-fusion-plugins-unsupported

emerge compiz-fusion

!!! A file listed in the Manifest could not be found: /usr/portage/x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra/files/compiz-plugins-extra-no-gconf.patch

ebuild /usr/portage/x11-plugins/compiz-plugins-extra/compiz-plugins-extra-0.8.2.ebuild digest

Note: The generation of the digest is only a temporary solution. There should be the correct manifest in the portage tree.

emerge compiz-fusion

* Messages for package x11-wm/emerald-0.8.2:

* Cannot find $EPATCH_SOURCE! Value for $EPATCH_SOURCE is:
* /usr/portage/x11-wm/emerald/files/emerald-ru.po.patch
* ( emerald-ru.po.patch )
* ERROR: x11-wm/emerald-0.8.2 failed.

cd /usr/portage/x11-wm/emerald/files/

ln -s emerald-0.7.8-ru.po.patch emerald-ru.po.patch

Note: The symlink is only a temporary solution. The file should be added to the portage tree.

ebuild /usr/portage/x11-wm/emerald/emerald-0.8.2.ebuild digest

emerge compiz-fusion

Afterwards I had a working compiz-fusion-0.8.2 .



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