Improved OpenSceneGraph-2.8.3 ebuild

The current OpenSceneGraph ebuild in the Gentoo Portage tree does not install the OpenSceneGraph sample data set.  These  files include some sample models, fonts, bitmaps etc. used in the OpenSceneGraph examples and other applications.  This is a problem for applications relying on the files to be available. In example my stereoscopic image viewer SIV relies on having the OpenSceneGraph sample dataset installed and fails to load the arial font from the dataset with the following error:

Warning: font file “fonts/arial.ttf” not found.

Here is my modified ebuild resolving this issue: [download#63]

Download the modified ebuild and extract the archive into /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


If you want to use OpenSceneGraph with ffmpeg support, download the patch from and copy it to /etc/portage/patches/dev-games/openscenegraph-2.8.3/ as described there, to compile with ffmpeg-0.6. Otherwise the emerge will fail with:

error: cannot allocate an object of abstract type

Now you can set the examples USE-Flag and emerge openscenegraph to get the example dataset.

If you have got flightgear installed, reinstall simgear afterwards,  like the ebuild requests you to do:

emerge -1 dev-games/simgear

Depending on if you were upgrading or just reinstalling with the new ebuild it may be necessary to run revdep-rebuild to resolve issues with broken libraries. Hopefully the next ebuild in the portage tree will  include the sample data set.

Wxwidgets support seems to be broken with the current version. When using the wxwidgets USE-Flag Openscenegraph fails to compile with, so include

=dev-games/openscenegraph-3.0.1 -wxwidgets

in your /etc/portage/package.use if you have enabled wxwidgets in your make.conf.

best regards



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QA Notice: Package has poor programming practices which may compile but will almost certainly crash on 64bit architectures

On a gentoo system you may get the error

QA Notice: Package has poor programming practices which may compile but will almost certainly crash on 64bit architectures

during emerge. This is usually a wanted behaviour since one does not want to have broken packages installed, but sometimes you may want to decide yourself or you need the program and can live with crashes that may occur under certain circumstances. As far as I know portage does not give us an easy method to override this.

You may change this behaviour by changing line 477 in /usr/lib/portage/bin/ to i.e.

if [[ ${abort} == “disabled” ]] ; then

After emerging the brocken package you usually want to change the line back to

if [[ ${abort} == “yes” ]] ; then

to prevent having broken packages on your system without knowing about it.

Hoping this information is of some help.


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seahorse-2.22.3 segfaults

After updating my gentoo-linux boxes I recognized enigmail asking for the password multiple times when decrypting a single mail. Some days later, when I rebooted the system gnome did not start anymore.

A quick look into my/var/log/messages showed:

Oct  2 10:50:43 hostname seahorse-agent[419]: segfault at 0 ip 0000000000432fb8 sp 00007fff01ceb150 error 4 in seahorse-agent[400000+50000]
Oct  2 10:50:43 hostname seahorse-agent[419]: init_gpgme: assertion `GPG_IS_OK (err)’ failed
Oct  2 10:50:43 hostname seahorse-agent[419]: seahorse_pgp_source_init: assertion `GPG_IS_OK (err)’ failed
Oct  2 10:50:43 hostname seahorse-agent[419]: unsupported key server uri scheme: ldap

So I suspected seahorse to be responsible for this missbehaviour. When searching the net for the problem I found the corresponding bug entry on The problem was caused by some changes in gpgme-1.2.0.  The patch from there solved the problem for me. After reemerging seahorse and rebooting the system gnome did start again and enigmail worked properly.

You may download the ebuild I used from here: [download#28]

Extract the archive in /usr/local/portage. Be sure to include the following line in your /etc/make.conf:


Then emerge seahorse again and reboot.



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ImportError: No module named layman.config

Today, when I tried to sync the portage overlays on my gentoo linux boxes, I got the error:

ImportError: No module named layman.config

The recent update from python-2.5 to python-2.6 has broken several applications. This issue was solved by running python-updater, which re-emerges all broken python packages. Besides from layman not working, the python upgrade may cause several other problems in portage and in the whole system. Thus just be sure to run python-updater after the python-upgrade.


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